Mit Pferden durch das wilde Herz Asiens
Mit Pferden durch das wilde Herz Asiens
Five summers, two winters and thousands of kilometres on foot with horses through the Kyrgyz mountains. After nearly two years of travelling I am telling about the highlights and dead ends of an odyssey through empty valleys, over numerous high mountain passes, the relationship to my animal companions, mountaineering in the remotest part of the country and life with shepherds and hunters in the Central Asian wilderness.
More dates for spring 2025 HERE. Register for the Newsletter to get Infos on upcoming events.
Upcoming Events
12.03.2025 20:00 | BRUNECK (Italy) UFO Jugend- und Kulturzentrum, 39031 Josef Ferrari Str. 20 | TICKETS |
13.03.2025 19:00 | IMMENSTADT (Germany) - Gesichter der Erde Union-Filmtheater Immenstadt, 87509 Rothenfelsstraße 20 | TICKETS |
25.03.2025 19:30 | BOZEN (Italy) Stadttheater, 39100 Piazza Giuseppe Verdi 40 | TICKETS |
27.03.2025 20:00 | SCHLANDERS (Italy) Kulturhaus Karl Schönherr, 39028 Göflaner Straße 27b | TICKETS |
29.03.2025 20:00 | COLOGNE (Germany) Globetrotter Köln, D-50667 Richmodstr. 10 | TICKETS |
01.04.2025 19:00 | KUFSTEIN (Austria) Kulturfabrik, 6330 Feldgasse 12 | TICKETS |
02.04.2025 19:00 | INNSBRUCK (Austria) Forum Rum, Rathausplatz 3, 6063 Rum | TICKETS |
03.04.2025 19:00 | BLUDENZ (Austria) Stadtsaal, 6700 Untersteinstr. 6 | TICKETS |
04.04.2025 19:00 | LANDECK (Austria) Stadtsaal, 6500 Schentensteig 1a | TICKETS |

With horses in the Tien Shan
(in German only)
Four summers and two winters with horses in the Kyrgyz mountains – photographic and written memories about the joys and challenges of living a nomadic live in the wild heart of Asia.
With horses in the Tien Shan
(in German only)
Four summers and two winters with horses in the Kyrgyz mountains – photographic and written memories about the joys and challenges of living a nomadic live in the wild heart of Asia.

A journey to the rapidly disappearing ice-giants of Central Europe.

Living two months in tree-houses with anti-coal activists occupying the forest at Germanies' largest coal pit.

Fighting against lignite coal-mining in North Rhine-Westphalia/Germany.

Living and travelling for one month with reindeer-nomads in the Russian Arctic.

Five summers horse-trekking over thousands of kilometers through the wildest regions of the Tien Shan Range.

Roaming for two winters through the remotest valleys of the Kyrgyz highlands in extreme temperatures.

A month alone on the icy northern roads of Sweden and Norway beyond the polar circle.